Browsing the "Fossils" Tag

Theropod tooth development

July 28th, 2015 | by Liz Martin-Silverstone

A new study out today has looked at the tooth development of theropod dinosaurs and found they had a novel [&hellip

New ceratopsian – Wendiceratops

July 8th, 2015 | by Liz Martin-Silverstone

Today, a new ceratopsian was named, Wendiceratops pinhornensis. While known to the public for sometime, it has now been officially named and [&hellip

Death and burial of dinosaurs in China

March 30th, 2015 | by Liz Martin-Silverstone

A new study has re-interpreted the well known Chinese fossil site of Lujiatun, looking at the geology and palaeontology of [&hellip

Episode 41: Insects

March 1st, 2015 | by David Marshall

Insects are the most abundant and diverse group on animals on the planet today. Would they therefore also be expected [&hellip

Episode 28: From worms to stars

May 1st, 2014 | by Joe Keating

Echinoderms are characterised by a mineralised skeleton, specialised water vascular system and five-fold symmetry. It is this unusual body plane symmetry [&hellip

Episode 26: The Tree of Mammals

February 1st, 2014 | by Joe Keating

Mammals are an incredibly diverse and highly successful group of animals. They include some of the tallest, heaviest and fastest [&hellip

Episode 20: Year Review

September 15th, 2013 | by Joe Keating

As Palaeocast celebrates it’s 1st Birthday, we take the chance to look back over the past year and review our [&hellip

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