Geological Society of America annual meeting 2015
This year the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America was held in Baltimore, Maryland. This is one of the largest conferences that palaeontologists attend, with over 6000 attendees from all fields of Earth Sciences. Caitlin and Laura went along and talked to many of the palaeontology researchers who had come to present their work on posters and in talks.
Unlike some of the other more specific palaeontology conferences, at GSA researchers present on all areas of palaeo, including early life, invertebrate, trace fossil and vertebrate, integrated with studies of sedimentology and taphoonomy.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 55:40 — 76.5MB)
Jack Stack – University of Pennsylvania
Sarah Mincer – Vasser College
Chad Morgan – University of Calgary
Carmen Soriano Hoyuelos – Argonne National Laboratory
Bridget Borce – San Diego State University
Steve Hasiotis – University of Kansas
Paul Ullmann – Rowan University
Matthew McLain – Loma Linda University
Emma Locatelli – Yale University
William Gearty – Stanford University
Steve Rowland – University of Nevada Las Vegas
Thomas Hegna – Western Illinois University
Below you’ll find photos of some of the researchers we spoke to, along with their posters.

The Baltimore Convention Center near the harbour in downtown Baltimore, where the conference was held.